As a business owner I find the biggest frustration to my day is not KNOWING! If I start the day not knowing where my keys are or where I set my coffee cup it's like this negative tone to everything. My goal each day is to to create a stress free, calm environment for myself at work, so, I have a key rack and I put my coffee cup in the same place every night, no exceptions. The same process can happens with your finances.
The moment you don't KNOW where exactly your money is and how it’s being spent, saved, tracked, it becomes frustrating. For instance: How much money do you ACTUALLY have in the bank? Are there are any auto-drafts coming out this week? How much money have you spent this year and on what?
The overall feel becomes ►►►AAAAHHHH!! Where is all my money at?◄◄◄
How can you make this process less stressful? The solution is really very simple. -Have a system for keeping your finances organized- This does not need to be an expensive, online, monthly app that over time costs you more money than is long term beneficial. It can just be a simple Excel based system that allows you to use online, on your desktop, and even checking in on your mobile device. With this system, you will ALWAYS know EXACTLY where your business finances are, what they are doing, and how they are benefiting you the most! So what is this system? It’s the Small Business Starter Program and it is AMAZING at eliminating the financial stressors in your business life.
What does it do? It provides you the ability to accomplish the Top 3 Accounting MUST DO’S! ►Checkbook Reconciliation ►Accounts Payable ►Categorize Your Expenses
AND, because I enjoy it most when my clients finances are in pristine order, as a BONUS, the program also has Year-to-Date totals.
This Program will give you everything you need in order to: 1. Know EXACTLY where your money is at all times 2. Eliminate a huge source of stress 3. Increase your profitability ← Who isn’t a MAJOR fan of this one right!
RIGHT NOW you can get the Small Business Starter Program for ONLY $17. That’s an $80 price cut from what it normally goes for!